Congratulations to Jon V. for Winning FREE Material: Bay Area Epoxy Wholesale Grand

Congratulations to Jon V. for Winning FREE Material: Bay Area Epoxy Wholesale Grand

Oct 25th 2023

We at Floorguard Products would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you who joined us for the grand opening of our newest reselling location in Hayward, California. Your presence and enthusiasm made the event a resounding success. We want to share the highlights of this remarkable day, from the delightful culinary experience to the free 3-Gallon Kit raffle, and express our excitement about the future.

Congratulations to Jon V.

One of the standout moments of the day was the free 3-Gallon Kit raffle, and we are pleased to announce Jon V. as the lucky winner. Congratulations, Jon! We can't wait to see what you will create with HyperREZ UV. Success stories like yours inspire us to continue offering top-quality flooring material to the industry, and we look forward to witnessing your innovative projects.

An Exciting Future Ahead

We want to express our appreciation to each and every one of you who attended the grand opening. Your presence reaffirms our mission to elevate the quality of flooring solutions in California. Our new reselling location isn't just a place to shop; it's a hub where professionals, enthusiasts, and visionaries can upgrade the quality of their flooring.

As we embark on this exciting journey, we are committed to raising the standards of California's flooring industry. The Bay Area Epoxy Wholesale team is here to support your projects, answer your questions, and provide the best epoxy solutions available.

Stay Connected

If you'd like to get connected with our newest reseller location in Hayward, California or have any questions about their products and services, please reach out to Arjun Singh at (510) 362-8501. You can also find information about our stocked product and stay updated on upcoming events, promotions, and industry developments on our website at